The season for science fair is upon us! Over the next few weeks, the students will be completing various aspects of the science fair process. The first step of the process, topic selection, was discussed today and students will be working on choosing just the right topics to investigate. Look for the "Science Fair Project" paper in the Science Fair section of their binder. It outlines the requirements for choosing a topic along with lists of categories, science fair dates and helpful websites to aid them in their selection process. We will be spending considerable time in the classroom working on this process as well.
Their homework for this week is simply to spend some time looking at the websites or other helpful information and choosing a topic that most interests them. Their topic selection form is due on Monday, September 20th.
The Eleanor Kolitz Academy Science Fair is scheduled for November 18, 2010. Each step of the project will be reviewed during class and due dates will be assigned for specific portions of the project. Due dates for each portion will be posted as they are given.
Some outstanding websites concerning science fair include:
Thank you!
14 years ago